Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Being Anemic While Pregnant

30 Weeks 3 Days and counting...

So from my last OB appointment, which was at around 27 weeks 5 days, I was announced anemic, and the doctor put me on a iron supplement regime, which is taking ferrous sulfate pills twice a day. She did the routine urine test, but I did also tell her of all the symptoms that have been showing up that seemed to have amplified greatly towards the end of second trimester. Little did I know, that was a sign of anemia, and I should have called the doctor earlier. So to inform other moms to be, here were my anemic symptoms. 

I got lightheaded many times during the first trimester, and it would get better if I drank some water or ate something, so I brushed off my lightheadedness as just a symptom of being pregnant. But this time around, it lingered on, followed by dizziness. So the symptom got progressively worse, but it did get better if I did my usual fluid/food intake, so I didn't think too much into it. But, it can be one of the signs of anemia. 

Shortness of breath and heart palpitations
I thought my breath was getting shorter because my belly was getting bigger. My reasoning was, the uterus is growing up and pushing against my esophagus and lungs so it's making it difficult for me to breathe. And since I couldn't breathe well, my heart was beating faster. Made sense to me. This symptom occurred randomly, but it definitely showed up a lot more when I was in the car. I had to roll down the window in the freezing weather because I felt like I couldn't breathe, my heart was beating fast, and I thought I was going to pass out. This should have been the clue, and I should have called my OB but again, I categorized it as a pregnancy symptom. 

Seeing spots
This would happen in the morning when I got up. I would wake up, and then sit up, and then when I stood to get up, I would see spots. Again, this has been happening to me throughout the pregnancy so I didn't think too much of it. Stupid me. 

Ears popping
This was new, and this should have been definitely when I called the OB but I didn't.... 
Every now and then, out of nowhere, I couldn't hear myself clearly because my ears would pop, sort of like when you're under water, or when you're in the air plane. And no matter what I did, it wouldn't unpop and I kept trying to yawn or breathe deep to get rid of that sensation, but sometimes it'd just come and go. 

Anyway, so these were all anemic symptoms, so other moms out there, please call your OB if you experience any of these symptoms. 

Now that I've been on the iron supplements, I definitely notice those symptoms gone, and I feel a lot better overall. However, there are negative sides to taking the pills. Here are the side effects. 

Black Poop
My stools have turned so dark green that it looks black. It's the color of the pills. I researched and once you stop taking the pills, your poop goes back to the normal color. 

Thankfully I have not suffered from constipation at all throughout this whole pregnancy, and then ever since I started taking these pills, I've been constipated. The longest I've gone without pooping is 2 days, and when you go everyday, not being able to go for 2 days is pretty torturous. I try to drink tons of water, eat Activia, try to increase my fiber intake, and eat a lot of fruits. I DO NOT FORCE any of my bowel movements, because I don't want hemorrhoids. My thought behind this is, if the poop wants to come out, it'll come out. Oh and walking and moving around helps too. 

I don't enjoy being constipated, but I'm not constipated all the time, and since I feel so much better after being on the pills, I can't complain. 

Anyway, here is a belated belly pic from week 29 and this week's pic!

Since my belly is growing, I've noticed new pains. Surprisingly, no back pains whatsoever- I do have legs that fall asleep all the time. I think this is due to the increasing weight of the belly on my legs. No swellings, just tingly sensations running down from my pelvis down my thighs. Other than that, no complaints!

Also, my husband and I are signed up for couple classes offered by our hospital. We're excited to learn about birth, and newborn care, and I'm personally excited about the breastfeeding class. 
So here is my two cents on being anemic while pregnant, and also my weekly update! Until next time, keep us in your prayers!

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