Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Three Week Mark

Today marks full 3 weeks since Baby D was born.
In Korea, the third week, or sahm-chil-il (3-7 day) is when the baby is out of the 'danger' zone...
I think it's Korean way of making sure the newborn baby isn't exposed to too many things all at once.

The feeding schedule is pretty simple; the longer he stays at my breasts, the longer the breaks in between are. I'm a little worried because he spits up a lot and he seems to have digestive issues- he seems to be gassy, even if I make sure I burp him. Hopefully he won't turn colic; have my fingers crossed.
His sleep patterns are still erratic, but we do love the swaddle me swaddles. Once Baby D is wrapped up snug in his swaddle, he goes to sleep for good 3 hours, which is better than 2 hours and which is far better than1.

We have our first official pediatrician check up visit since his birth, so I will have to ask these questions
1. why does he spit up so often, and is that ok
2. he sneezes a lot, is that ok
3. he seems to be quite gassy, is that ok
4. his skin is flaking too much, is that ok
and for all of the above, 5. what can I do to make it better

Can't wait to see how much he grew and how chubby he got :]

Everyday is a struggle in its own. My body is aching all over, more now than ever, my nipples are sore, my joints ache, my wrists are forever shot, my arms are getting butch, I haven't showered in two days, I haven't pooped in two days, I'm a wreck.
My c-section incision seems to be getting better, I took all the steri strips off, but it still looks heinous and I get SO distraught every time I look at it. what's even more sad is that since I cant really bend over that much, I have to take a pic of it and THEN look at it. I know my husband says it's a glory scar and I should be proud of it, but seriously makes me sad every time I look at it. :[

I think I over did myself yesterday by watching the Syracuse v. Michigan basketball game, which turned out to be a loss of my team and a waste of 2 hours which I could've slept through instead. So what do I do? I don't hear the baby cry and just sleep at 2 and 4 am: thank God my mom heard him and bottle fed him my expressed milk....

I feel so overworked and sleep deprived; I didn't know breast feeding could be so TIRING and DRAINING. I got really moody and hormonal today, lashed out at the husband, woke the baby up because we were both yelling at each other, bawled my eyes out.

Later on this is what the husband laid out for me and it's become crystal clear-
hubby: "i'm sorry you feel miserable, but it's not about you or me anymore. it's about our baby, and it's only about him. so you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get over it."

it was really harsh at first, but he's right. it IS about baby Derrick.
BUT- a girl really needs some TLC in her own right, whether she's a mom or not. and even though I know my husband is right, I couldn't help but feel a little be let down. Oh to be a mom.

a little bit about breast feeding:
Some days, it's a breeze, other days, it's so difficult. Some days I'll be over flowing with milk, other days I'm lucky if baby D feels satisfied. Some days baby Derrick will latch on perfectly and it won't even feel like he's sucking, other days baby Derrick decides to give major rug burns on my nipples no matter what position I use. it's really a trial and error system, and I really do think moms get numbed in their nippular area so much so that they don't mind the pain. But I'm pretty sure the pain will linger on.

to sum up:
I'm physically, emotionally, mentally miserable- not gonna lie, it is DAMN difficult. BUT. like my husband reminded me and what I feel everyday is this: it's about baby Derrick, and I'll just have to grit my teeth through it all. I just hope my body feels better sooner, and my OB check up is in 10 days, hopefully by then I'll feel semi human again.
And MAYBE my husband and I can go back to feeling lovey dovey again. maybe. I hope we don't become those couples that solely focus on child rearing.... I really hope so.

Until the next post, please keep us in your prayers, mostly for Baby Derrick but also for myself and the husband...

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