Thursday, September 6, 2012

11 Week 3 Days NT ultrasound

Went to the doctor for the follow up NT ultrasound and GOOD NEWS! The NT has decreased from 3.2mm to 2.8mm! We are now in the safe zone and the doctor reassured us that we don't have anything to worry about :] Praise the Lord! The next visit will be in four weeks for the QUAD blood test, which will also test for genetic disorders, main one being Down Syndrome, but for now the ultrasound looks A-OK! woohoo!

Here are some pictures of our little fufu. Fufu has grown so much in a week that he actually measured AHEAD of his time. He is 11Week 3 days old but measured at 12 weeks!
He is sucking his thumb right now, and you can see his little fingers! This little tyke was moving and squirming and flexing his legs and moving his toes and fingers, and it was just a wondrous sight. It was amazing! His heart was beating strong and he was a happy camper. 
Here's a picture of him smiling!
You can see the two little dots for the eyes, and his mouth is smiling! :D

The doctor also confirmed that the umbilical cord has three distinct parallel lines, which is definitely good, and the placenta looks great. Teehee!

On a more somber note, I have lost yet another 4 pounds. The total weight I have lost this pregnancy adds up to 8. I have never dieted in my life, and this is as close as I will ever get to actually losing weight this fast this much. 
Doctor wants me to gain some weight by the next appointment, which will be in four weeks. We will get to hear fufu's heartbeat and HOPEFULLY get to know the gender, if he/she is in the right position. WOOHOO! 

Also, the doctor said my uterus is tilted back, that is why I have been having crazy back pains. She said this will ease up once my uterus comes out of my pelvic cavity and settle higher up in my abdomen. Until then, she said, it will hurt. Also, she said I may show a little later, but I will still show. I can't wait for the baby bump :]

We have three more weeks until we enter the 2nd trimester, and all we can do is thank God for bringing us this far. We continue to pray that He will make everything perfect :]

Thank you so much for all your prayers, more news later!

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