Tuesday, September 4, 2012

week11 news

Our little fufu is now a size of a fig. How cute! :]
Since the last ultrasound, we were a bit shaken up with the thought of having issues with the NT, but the husband and I decided it is best to leave everything up to God and just not worry about it. 
Symptoms are pretty much the same, except the vomiting has increased to 3-4 times a day. It's really hard to gain weight with all the throwing up, but it's harder to keep it in when the puke is already in your mouth. Bleh. 
Husband thinks it's the baby's last hurrah before the morning sickness subsides and the appetite kicks back in. I'm not so sure; according to most medical websites, morning sickness should be subsiding starting week 11-12, and mostly gone by week 14 but... at this rate, I don't know.
Mom is a little discouraged to see me throw up despite her wonderful awesome cooking. She probably thought the morning sickness would go away if I get some home cooked meals. I love her cooking, but some ingredients make me throw up regardless of how good it is. Biggest culprits: green onions, garlic, cayenne pepper (고추가루) they make me puke no matter what. This is a big problem, since most korean foods require them as ingredients.... 

The coming doctor's appointment is this thursday. That's when we do our formal NT screening tests for the little fufu. We pray and trust in God that everything will turn out just the way it should be: perfect.

On a more disgusting note: if you have a weak stomach, do NOT proceed to read. 

Yesterday during breakfast, I was having my usual breakfast, fruits and nuts... when I switched my sitting position, and SPLAT! Something felt really wet and not right. I started gasping and exclaiming, oh oh oh! and I just had this ghastly look on my face. Mom thought I was having a miscarriage, but I knew. I kid you not, I shit my pants. 

This is by far the most horrific experience I had since being pregnant, and I still can't get over the trauma. Of course I cleaned myself up immediately after, thank God I was home, but I felt so nasty and humiliated. Mom was so relieved little fufu was fine, but I was mortified. I heard stories of pregnant women who couldn't control their bowels, so they ended up wetting or shitting themselves, but I had never in a million years thought I would shit my pants.... I guess I have to welcome myself to the club. YUCK. 
But, like my mom said, it's better to let it out then hold it in. I agree. I just have to be near a toilet. :]

Belly photos to come soon! Keep us in your prayers!

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