Thursday, September 13, 2012

Very late week 12 news

Today is actually 12 weeks and 3 days, and I have been very lazy lately.
I have been constantly sleeping, which is good and bad, good because I'm getting the much needed rest, and bad because it cuts down on my eating time. 
The nausea has NOT subsided like babycenter has claimed it would. It's actually on and off. On good days, I could eat. On bad days, I still throw up 2-3 times a day.
According to babycenter, the little fufu is now a size of a lime. Yay~
Other symptoms and changes: my abdomen/stomach area is itching a lot- it probably is due to the expanding uterus and stretching muscles. This leads to tightening sensation of the lower abdomen near my pubic bone area, and it is not a pleasant feeling at all. I think these symptoms all attribute to my body making extra room for the little fufu, but man, it is UNCOMFORTABLE. Also, my tail bone hurts like it's been bruised. I'm thinking this is also due to my expanding uterus, and it makes sense, since the doctor told me my uterus is tilted back- it's probably pushing down on my tail bone. NOT A GOOD FEELING. I feel like I have to poop all the time. And it is extremely uncomfortable. My boobs have been hurting like crazy, but they seem like they're still the same size. According to my mom, she said her boobs (when she was pregnant) grew overnight. So she said just wait, they will come. 
I'm just worried that I won't gain the weight I need to gain by the next doctor's appointment. Until then, it's just more rest, and more eating. Hopefully no more puking, but we'll just have to wait and see. 
Keep us in your prayers, and more later!

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