Thursday, August 30, 2012

10 Week 3 Days ultrasound and other news

We went to the doctor's today and saw the little fufu again. Here is the little alien head fufu. You can see where the eyes, nose, mouth is. The little round things on either side are the hands. During the ultrasound, we got to see the little fufu move around, his heartbeat, his ten finger and ten toes, nice long legs and arms. Everything, she said, looks fine. The doctor, however, did notice some fluid in his head, and the NT (nuchal transluscency) of 3.2mm. She said it wasn't anything to be THAT alarmed of, but it is over the 3mm mark, which is considered safe. The fetus having large NT measurements are more at risk of Trisomy 21, 18 and other genetic defects. So the dear husband and I were freaking out, but the doctor did assure us that ultrasounds produce many false positives and it's too early to tell anyway. The NT screening tests and blood work is supposed to be done between week 11 and 13, so she set another appointment for us to come in exactly next week, which will be 11 weeks 3 days mark. 

I have faith in God that He has blessed us with a healthy, normal, beautiful baby, and I know in my heart that everything is fine. We just need to go in next week to confirm that our little fufu is a healthy normal baby. Until then, please keep us in your prayers.

I have made the first big purchase for this pregnancy, and it is the maternity pillow! This product has significantly improved my sleeping; my shoulders and neck don't hurt anymore, and it helps me sleep through the night. It does take a lot of space on the bed and dear husband feels like he's going to fall off the bed, but anything for the little fufu! :]

And it can be folded in different ways so I can use it in a variety of ways. YAY! I love this pillow!

Anyway, that's all the news we have and please keep us in your prayers until next week!!

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