Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A fresh new start

my past posts have been very negative. So I decided to delete them and start anew.
Dear Husband (DH) and I are financially stable, with a small business, and now we are at a place where we can be comfortable with our lives.
I guess with all of this positivity around me and God's amazing blessings, there was no better time for us to get pregnant than now!
Yup, you read it correct! We are pregnant! :]
Here's the story.
It all happened starting from our one year anniversary(March 12th) dinner. We were having dinner at our favorite restaurant Antico, with a glass of wine of course, and got to talking about the future. We both agreed that we were set financially, and both our parents were healthy and well, and all we needed now was a baby. We were both still sad from our first, and the miscarriage that followed, but we both knew it was time to move on and really try to conceive.
So began the journey of ovulation predictor kits, basal body temperature recordings, vitamin and health foods, lifestyle changes.
What surprised me the most was that even after my cycles became regular again post-miscarriage, some months I didn't even ovulate. We started April, and the month of April, I didn't ovulate at all. (No smiley face on the digital ovulation predictor kit) Got my first set of smileys in May (ovulated-yay!) and a negative home pregnancy test told me we didn't conceive in May.
Then came June. Got my set of smileys again, and after we made love, something made me pray. (Holy Spirit?) "God let this be a sticky one." That's all I said. Then things started happening. The day after, my mom called and asked if everything was ok because she had an amazing dream of a huge bright sun rising from the horizon. Then two days later my mother in law calls me and tells me she dreamt of a very fertile plot of land and how these huge, plump, korean radishes were piled endlessly up to the sky...
Then a week later, I had a dream that I was in the hospital getting blood work done, and it came back positive for pregnancy.
Then three days later (July 13th) just out of curiosity, I took a pregnancy test and... plain and simple, it said-

After only three months of trying, we got a 'pregnant'! I was scared more than excited since I already experienced a miscarriage, and DH didn't even accept it, he was more like 'shut up'. 'no really, babe, the test isn't going to lie'.... 'wow'
Then began the search of a gynecologist and the first appointment was set. Didn't tell the parents yet since we didn't want to break the news and didn't want to go through another miscarriage news....
So the day of the appointment was on the ninth (8/9) and we got our first ultrasound. Here is the little fufu at 7 weeks 3 days- estimated due date is March 25th, 2013. Introducing, baby Kim:

We got to see the little heart beat really fast, and the doctor said everything seemed really good and nice. we were ecstatic and DH now is more accepting of the fact that we are indeed pregnant.
We told our parents that weekend of the appointment, and all of them were so excited and happy for us :] my mom started crying..... But for now, the announcement is limited to immediate family. we will be making a formal announcement when we pass our first trimester...
So the next appointment is on the 30th and we can't wait! Until then, I'm pretty much house arrested, doctors orders- don't do anything too strenuous.... Oh and my morning sickness is pretty much all day sickness and I have actually lost weight since I can't seem to keep anything down. There are times when I'm so miserable and cranky, but I remind myself that this is just a process that all moms go through and when I remember that, I'm so appreciative of my own mom. This pregnancy makes me reflect a lot on my relationship with her and motherhood in general.
So the husband and I are just grateful and thankful. We are extremely cautious and we just hope everything will go smoothly. I am willing to go through this misery if it means our little fufu is healthy and well.
Keep us in your prayers and until next time, I will keep updating! Coming soon- belly photos!

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