Thursday, August 23, 2012

to poop or not to poop; that is the question

The title pretty much sums up my dilemma
The pregnancy hormones are definitely messing with my bowel movements and at times it gets to be very confusing.
Here is a little scenario to explain the situation.
I get up in the morning and my stomach is in excruciating pain. Then all these thoughts flash through my head... is there something wrong with the baby? Am I having a miscarriage? Is this part of morning sickness? What is happening? Then all of a sudden, 'pshhhhh' release of gas and I am relieved of the pain. Then I get up and start brushing my teeth when I get a second wave of pain. I try to fart, to no avail. I sit on the toilet, and believe me, I don't even try to squeeze anything out for the fear of passing the fetus...I know it has no scientific backing whatsoever, but when I had my miscarriage, I was pooping and squeezing for the life of me...THEN finally I feel my brown friends making their trip SLOWLY down the tunnel and PLOP they go into the bowl...
Then there are mornings when I have to run to the toilet because I almost miss it- yup diarrhea attacks... AND TWO TO THREE TIMES A DAY too! Dear Lord, I don't know what's worse, being constipated or having diarrhea... either way, every morning is a gamble for me, I don't know what surprises will await me each day regarding my trips to the bathroom.
I'm still having major morning sickness, and still have all the other symptoms, and all the research I do just point to one major factor; progesterone. Apparently the rise in the pregnancy hormone can mess up with your whole body, and boy does it mess with my body. Not only that, I get mood swings too, and it just doesn't really help with the situation. Oh and I've noticed I'm getting sunspots on my face! Again, research points to unbalanced hormone levels..
Sometimes I hate progesterone, but I have to love it, because it's the hormone that continues the pregnancy... so this love-hate relationship will probably go on until at least second trimester when I feel half decent and half human.
On a brighter note! We will be visiting the doctor for our second prenatal visit in a week, and we will get to see the little fufu again through ultrasound, and also get to hear his heartbeat for the first time through the doppler machine! Plus, mommy dearest is visiting to be the extra pair of helping hands, bless her soul. We can't wait for all the upcoming events, and the husband and I are always so thankful we have family supporting us. Can't wait!

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