Wednesday, November 21, 2012

22 weeks 3 days

So I've been wanting to get the baby bump already, and at week 20 I did get a tiny legit baby bump.
I got really excited; but little did I know exactly two weeks later... 
I woke up in the morning, brushed my teeth, looked at my reflection and I literally saw my bump had officially 'popped'!!! It really did happen overnight, like many have testified online forums.
The night before this happened I did feel a lot of pressure on my abdomen and I felt my skin stretching and my bones feeling a bit out of place. I told this to the husband and he probably guessed it was due to me eating more than usual for dinner; however, I only had about 4 bites, and I didn't even touch my food. It felt strange. I woke up the next day, and VOILA! Hello little D!!
I can still see my toes so we're not HUGE as people might say :)
Derrick is still kicking away happily, even more than usual, and I'm thinking it's because there's more room for him now ;)
Next week we have our 24 week OB visit and 3D ultrasound! Can't wait!

Please keep us in your prayers and more to come later!

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