Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting Ready for Baby D for REAL

First legit pregnancy scare occurred at week 33 and 5 days. 
The previous night (33 weeks and 4days) I had real bad contractions, didn't feel like Braxton Hicks, it felt like a real one, 
and I cried and my husband got scared and kept asking me if I was having our baby.
I don't know... 
Then the day after, I was on the toilet, I had pooped, cleaned myself up, and then cleaned my vagina, there was a green discharge with a tinge of blood. I got so scared, I told my husband, and I called my OB's office. 
They told me to come in and the OB checked my blood pressure and my weight. I had gained another 3 pounds since two weeks ago. So currently I'm at 144lbs!
Then the doctor hooked me onto some machines that measures the baby's heart rate and any contractions I have. 
I was on the machine for about 15 minutes. Then the doctor did an internal exam. 
NOTHING WAS WRONG! Cervix is still closed, and mucous plug is still there. 
She suspects that the green discharge was dried up build up in my vagina that just got discharged. 
Husband and I sighed a sigh of relief. 
However, I AM still feeling really strong Braxton Hicks that still confuse me, I'm not sure if it's a real contraction or not. I have a lot of pressure down there, and I definitely feel the weight of the baby getting heavier. My limbs hurt, they feel like steel bars, and it's hard to lift my arms or lift my legs. 
But, I'm not complaining, and I don't feel that "I'm done being pregnant" feeling yet. I'm pretty content ;]
On 33 weeks 6 days we had Olivia and Addison's birthday to attend-
I dressed up for the occasion; who says you can't be fashionable and pregnant? :]

It was Addison's 1st birthday, so they had the traditional table set up, and also Olivia's 4th, so there were jumpy things, and kids were having a blast. Helen and Oliver, were running around, and my husband and I realized that's gonna be us soon!

Here is the husband and I having a little fun ourselves at the party :]

Currently we are at 34 weeks and 2 days... and it's 2 days before my 28th birthday and 3 days before Valentine's Day :]
Here is a gift I got from Mom and Dad in law
I think I'm gonna end up using it as a diaper bag :] it's roomy enough!

And we got more baby stuff for Baby Derrick! Husband loves these Jordan booties :]
My mom and dad also sent tons of stuff, which I will post up soon!
I am feeling loved, and I'm sure Baby Derrick is too. 

I can't wait to spend some adult time with the husband- we've been so focused on preparing for Derrick to come, we haven't really had time with each other :]

Oh, and we bought newborn diapers and baby wipes at Costco- and more baby stuff from the baby registry is still arriving! I think the diapers made it even more real for both me and my husband that Baby Derrick is on his way and coming soon!

Until next time, keep us in your prayers!

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