Friday, March 22, 2013

Derrick's Birth Story Part 1

It's been a while since my last post, and there is a reason why.
Baby Derrick is now officially a part of our family!

Last update was about a scheduled c-section due to Derrick's oblique breech position. It was on the 18th of March, when I would turn 39 weeks.
Because of this scheduling, my dad had to postpone his flight, which was almost an impossibility since he had to be back to his work for urgent NK matters... (more on that later)

So we were all preparing to go in for the c-section when...

The night of 15th (Friday night from 8-11PM), I started getting stomachaches. I thought it was because I had too much to eat for dinner. Couldn't get comfortable AT ALL....
Finally fell asleep, when all of a sudden I feel a POP, and a gush of water between my legs (12AM, Saturday, 16th) I jolted up screaming, "My water just broke!"
Hubby:"Are you sure? you've peed yourself before... why don't you go check"
Me: "OK"

So I go sit on the toilet, but this was not like regular pee where I have control over my bladder, it was more like incessant faucet that wouldn't turn off. MAJOR volumes of water gushed out... I stood up, and I looked into the toilet, and the water looked like it had very tiny chunks of cottage cheese like substance in it. HM.... I thought when your amniotic sac breaks it's supposed to be clear?

I put a pad on and I say, "I don't think it's my water". Just as soon as I said that, MORE GUSH. Entire pants got wet, hubby saw it and was calling triage at our delivery hospital, I woke my mom and dad up from the guest room, told them water broke, they were like, "but you have a csection scheduled"
Me: "Well mom and dad he's coming today!!"
Then Chaos. Guinness our dog was barking, mom and dad dressing, I'm already at our elevator door, husband is getting my ID and insurance card ready, I'm yelling "OMG MORE WATER IS GUSHING OUT HURRRRYYYYY" This was 12:15 AM March 16th

Got to the hospital, went to the emergency room, told them "my water broke" security guard comes right away with a wheel chair, wheels me to family birth place, and by 12:30 AM I'm admitted- triage nurse wants to check to make sure if it indeed was my water breaking- told me to change into hospital gown, strip ALL clothing off. sure. I did it, came out of the bathroom when. GUSHHHH all over the triage check up room...
me:"um yeah i think this is my water breaking?"
nurse:"Oh yeah honey your water broke"
me: "am I delivering tonight? I was scheduled for a csection..."
nurse:"the on call doctor will check you out first, and we contacted your OB"
hubby:"holy crap Derrick's coming out?"
me:"I guess...?!"

I'm in one of labor and delivery rooms. IVs are hooked up. I'm feeling cramps on and off, irregularly. My mom and dad are in the waiting area. Husband calls in laws. On call doctor comes in, asks me why I was scheduled for csection, he would like to do an ultrasound- maybe we can deliver vaginally!
Me and husband in utter shock. Our OB told us there is 0% of that happening!

On Call Doc: "yup the baby's head is in the right position- completely thinned out, and 1 cm dilated"
hubby and me: ".....?!"
On call doc: "we will just let you wait for couple more hours for your contractions to pick up and go from there."
Me:"I don't feel any..."
On call doc: " oh it takes time."
Me:"even when my water is gushing out?"
on call doc:"yup"
This was 1:30AM 16th of March Saturday

Then the waiting game begins.... cramps come and go, painful ones, not so painful ones, excruciating ones, weird ones... and it all shows on the graph from the monitors....
at 4AM 3/16/13
on call doc: "cervix is extremely thinned out but no dilation progress... we are going to call your OB and get you started on pitocin to induce contractions..."
me: " can I get my drugs first then"
on call doc:"you don't want to wait?"
me: "how long do I have to wait?"
on call doc: "well the anesthesiologist has 4 csections scheduled from 7 am so probably not until after 10am?"
me:" @_@.... I don't think I can wait that long.... can I get it as soon as I can?"
on call doc:"I'm gonna call your OB and check with her first and get back to you."
husband:"yeah you should get it" (by this time, i was groaning and crying and moaning and gasping for air and muttering over and over again save me, help me, make it stop, I can't do this.... but surprisingly, i didn't scream. just like a dying cat sound over and over again. husband was so terrified and scared for me...he didn't know what to do.)

At 530AM
pitocin is doing it's thing, I'm getting regular VERRRRYYYYYY painful contractions, i'm crying and saying please save me.
a nurse comes in and says "I'm gonna give you something called stadol through your IV you'll feel good and sleepy. Rest up and hopefully you'll be dilated!"
oh man and it hit me so hard- I was tripping, twirling, woohoo! I was saying some nonsense... hubby says I was sleep talking and it was like I was Alice in Wonderland.

At 7AM
My OB comes in, does an internal, says: " So the baby wants to come out today?"
me: " I guess"
internal exam
OB: "completely thinned out, 5cm dilated"
what. it felt like i was like 8. oh no. does it have to hurt MORE?
OB:" HM. it's weird. baby's head is bearing down the right direction, but the rest of him is still breech"
me: "what is he DOING in there?"
OB:"OK let's wait and want epidural?"
Me: "Oh yes please"

At 8AM
Anesthesiologist comes and gives me epidural, I feel numb for about 2 hours, then all of sudden, i feel EVERYTHING, i mean EVERYTHING. I start crying and whispering softly to hubby i can't do this anymore..... hubby calls nurse we try increasing amount, frequency, NOTHING WORKS, and

Anesthesiologist comes again, and takes out old catheter, does a NEW ONE, and
I try to get numb, but I can't, I'm thinking maybe it's supposed to be like this, but it's unbearable, hubby is all :"I thought you were supposed to be numb?"
me: barely audible whisper:" save me. please"

no one comes to my rescue.... everyone is busy it seems. i mean they did have 4 csections and it was saturday and they only had one on call anesthesiologist...

Time goes by.
no one comes helps me
i'm screaming now
hubby is in tears
i'm in tears
i want derrick out
time ticking by......
I'm losing it,
I don't know who's around me.

10 PM
I"m half dead- nurse says," ok we're gonna check you agian ok?"
me: "diuew#$%" (something incoherent)
nurse: "Still only 5 cm"
me: WHAT.
hubby: WHAT
nurse: "you want stadol again?"
me: "yes please"

1215AM (March 17th Sunday)
OB: "Ok your water broke for more than 24 hours and you are not progressing anymore. baby is tired, you are tired, there is a risk of infection for both of you. do you want to still try to give birth vaginally?
me: in tears "I don't know what do you think? (to both husband and doctor)
hubby: "babe it's up to you but I don't want to see you in pain anymore"
me:" I don't know if I can do this any longer"
OB: "well at this rate we're looking at more than 10 hours of labor, which in that case, there's a definite risk of infection, so I say let's go for a c-section"
me: "......"
hubby: "......"


In the OR.
Epidural didn't take so we are going for spinal tap.
the spinal tap anesthesiologist is a different one. maybe they rotated out?
getting major contractions.
it's hurts. they say bend your back. i'm naked i'm freezing in the OR, i can't freaking bend my back cuz of my baby damnit. I try my best, the guy can't find the right spot in my spine, they poke me 5 times in the back, finally got me numb.
husband comes in, he's shaking, i'm laying down on the operating table, all naked, i'm like Jesus on the cross, spread out.
OB: "can you move your toes?"
i can
OB: "can you feel this?"
OB: "how about this?"
OB:"how about this?"
then i feel tugging pushing pressure more pressure more pressure more pressure
at 12:54 AM march 17th, husband and i hear Derrick's first scream!
OB: it's a boy!
hubby: emotional- OHBABE he's OUT
me: delirious- is he out? does he have all toes and fingers?
hubby: oh wow babe he's not small he's big!
me: oh i'm so cold,
hubby: oh he's so perfect
me: (something incoherent)
nurses bring the baby close to me to kiss him and say hi to him.
hubby: good job babe good job
me: i'm so cold i'm so cold my shoulders hurt
OB: it's called referred pain- since you don't feel pain where you should, your brain is sending signals to compensate for the pain...
me: i'm cold i'm hurting in the shoulders.....

about 40 minutes later.. hubby is pushed out of the OR, i'm rolled into recovery room
about 2 hours later, i'm semi awake, hubby comes in and says babe are you ok?
worse than the contractions?
oh.... I don't know. maybe. maybe not.

finally at 4AM March 17th, I'm rolled into my own room...
nurses brought baby Derrick to me to nurse for the first time....
and oh my he was PERFECT.

Happy birthday Derrick!
St. Patty's Day Baby :]

So to sum it all up-
Scheduled c-section>water broke>tempted to deliver vaginally for 24+ hours>emergency csection>BABY DERRICK BORN AT 38WEEKS and 5DAYS

My Dad cried, my mom and in laws were smiling, I was half dying, husband was overwhelmed with emotions and we were all delighted by our little bundle of joy.

More about Derrick's journey as our family in the next post!

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